Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Hate the "Web 2.0" Design Trend!

First, let me state that I know that Web 2.0 has nothing to do with design, but is more an ideology of communication, connectivity, and collaboration...unfortunately though, many people have confused the issue and have used the term to describe a certain overused and unoriginal design style...and it's that design style that I'm beginning to loathe.

I'm not exactly sure how this childish fixation started, but I'm going to blame Apple and Nintendo, two companies that I, more often than not, like.

Apples' contribution to this design debacle was the beautiful design of it's products followed by the embossing, gradient, and reflection effects in almost all of it's marketing and advertising. Take a brief stroll around their website,, and you'll see what I mean.

I don't hate this fact, I really like it. My problem is that everyone who ever thought they were a designer, both professionals and high schoolers with cracked versions of Photoshop, started copying it because it's so nice. I have to admit, even I have designed a piece like it--two years ago.

Nintendo, in my opinion, added to this trend with the release of the Wii. My problem is not with the gaming system, but with the "bubbly" embossed design of the interface. And, I can't stand the look of the Mii's. I feel like I'm playing with old PlaySkool toys...everything is so circular and Mr. Potato Head. The Mii's make me feel "wii-erd".

Anyway...enough ranting. What can we do? Well, first let's define the problem.

Any design containing at least 3 of the following: drop shadow, embossing, reflection, gradients and endless use of rounded corners. I don't think that any of these individual elements are's the fact that there are so many designers copying this fad and it's really becoming ridiculous. If you look closely, you'll see the largest companies in the world starting to "Web 2.0" their logos, advertising, and web sites. me, if you look for it, you'll see it.

I'm not sure what exactly the problem is...maybe creatives are becoming lazy--it's easier to recycle design, than to do something original...maybe clients are dictating design--"Oh, can you make the site look like Apple?"...and maybe it's a combination.

I know it makes no sense to just hate. I'm not usually a hater and I recognize that I'm not the most creative designer on the planet, I'm just extremely tired of this cliched and overworked fad.

So, it's up to us. If like me, you strive to be a creative designer, then let's be CREATIVE and take back the design of the web.


To see a lot of the things I abhor here.
Learn how to be a design mimic here.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Bloggin' Baby...

This is a lame excuse for a first blog...but everyone starts somewhere, right?
