Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hello, My Name is Aimee

This is my very first attempt at blogging. I have always wanted to blog. Or, at least, I thought I did. Then, the opportunity finally presents itself and I freeze. I’ll admit it: I’ve had blog intimidation. Am I creative enough? Interesting enough? Will anyone even read what I am writing? So, our first 615 Creative blog post came from David. It’s a very informed, intelligent diatribe on web “stuff” that I basically know nothing about. More intimidation. Especially for a girl who just wants to write about colour combinations and cupcakes. But, I tell myself (okay, and David told me too) - we need variety. It takes all different kinds of people to make a design group or....all kinds of "different" people, maybe. So, here goes nothing …or everything?

Last week, on 6/15, we had our launch party. It’s okay to pause right now and notice the cleverness of that date. Yes, it was deliberate. So, the lovely and talented Sarah Barlow basically let us turn her apartment upside down and – in a explosion of orange, white and silver accessories, furniture and food – create a party. One of the things we did at the party, by way of introducing ourselves to the world, was to write (non-fiction, of course) stories about ourselves. Since this is my introduction to blog world I thought it would be appropriate to share mine with you. Here is my “story” - and I’m stickin' to it.

“Hello, My name is Aimee. If I had a kingdom its flag would be seafoam green, tangerine and Tomorrow, it may be canary yellow, turquoise and grey. One of my first artistic expressions (a.k.a. a sign that I was truly a designer at heart) was when I began taking all of the books off my parent's bookshelves to create individual, uniquely decorated ''apartments" for all of my dolls. My current favorite dessert (because it changes as much as my favorite colors) is a cupcake from Ivey Cake. It's pink and it's strawberry and it's called "Big Dreams." I like that name. My favorite city is THE city, New York, and my favorite thing that I've done there (so far) was to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. My favorite shape is a Lotus Blossom. I love creating atmospheres....especially celebratory ones. I've always wanted to travel from North Africa down to South Africa and visit as many countries on the way as possible!!”

THE END. Or, perhaps I should say, (as I wave goodbye to intimidation..) “Til next time.”